merry christmas

Season of Giving: Week Three


Only ten more days until Christmas and I am ready!! Are you? We are entering the third week of the season of giving giveaways and congrats to all of the previous winners. We are only ONE week away from the grand prize pack! Good Luck guys!

Terre Mère Cream

Hand in Hand Coral Lotion

Glam AF Make Up bag and portable charger

Lip Bruleè

Ahava Hydration Cream


The season of GIVING starts NOW!


Hey readers! I know I’ve been absent this year, but there have been a lot of changes in my life that have kept me busy. My mother was ill for some time and it took a while to figure out the cause. Soon after, I switched departments and shifts at work. It’s been a busy busy year, but 2019 will slow down a bit for me. I can tell you that I will be back to publishing 2019! However, for the rest of the year, I’m hosting a weekly giveaway full of exciting stuff starting NOW, with a prize pack totaling $105 in value!

Week of giving: week one


Merry Christmas!

Christmas is here early! Inevitable is free for the first time EVER. A gift to you!!


For the first time ever Inevitable is free!! Merry Christmas from me to you! <3 


Ex-Marine and former combat trainer, Trent Reed has been shot and placed in war zones behind enemy lines for most of his Marine Corp career. But when his best friend, Logan, calls in a favor, he is faced with one of the hardest decisions of his life—to be, or not to be, the best man in his wedding. 

His turbulent past with races other than his own, have him at odds with Logan’s new African American fiancée, Katie. When Trent accepts the position against his better judgment, it’s done with a heavy heart and the understanding that his friend is soon to be out of his life—for good.

Teal Lofton is finally warming up to Logan, her best friend’s fiancé and ex-convict. As maid of honor in Katie’s wedding, she will have to put up with budget issues, mind-numbing tasks, juggling the bride’s secret pregnancy, and worst of all, dealing with Logan’s jerk of a best friend and best man. 

When shit hits the fan during the groom’s dinner and Trent disappears with the wedding rings in tow, Teal flips her lid and chases after him into the worst snow storm of the decade. A serious accident sets Trent and Teal on an inevitable course of self-discovery and passion like they’ve never experienced before. 

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